42120 trees planted!


  • Doctors and Health Workers need you: a message from our co-Founder Leandro

    During this pandemic, in addition to the trees planted we will DONATE 100% OF PROCEEDS towards purchasing professional face masks for healthcare workers!
  • Up to 10% of COVID-19 infections are Health Workers! And you can help today

    We’re used to helping the Earth breathe.

    Now, let’s also help our healthcare workers breathe too.

  • Let´s make charity COOL & VIRAL

    Let’s put a dent in our society, our behavior, our minds. We have an important insight.     An average person spends 4 hours a day on their phone. ...
  • Deforestation Report

    Deforestation, the clearing or thinning of forests by humans. Deforestation represents one of the largest issues in global land use. Estimates of...